

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Friendly and improved

An adventure awaits at

Our exciting world!

Action Plan

1. Rewrite laws
2.Improve Freedom
3. More protection from natural disasters and wars

Thursday, March 25, 2010


We accept people from all races and cultures as long as you don't discriminate against anyone.We try to have all the cultures live in peace and harmony. you can dress any way you want too as long as it doesn't offend anyone.You can put any symbols or flags on your house as long as you don't offend anyone.If you offend anyone you must apologize and remove whatever offends them.If you don't think anything is offensive, then you can sue.We just want everyone to be happy with who they are and respect others' cultures.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Elements Of Government

Our country has two branches of government. We have a President and his helpers that help him look over all of our land and handle everything with other surrounding countries. We also have a jury, they deal with all crime and problems in our country. We have six laws in our country: Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not disrespect any elders, Do not commit adultery, Spend time with your family, and our last law is to treat others the way you want to be treated. If you break any of these laws we force you to do hard labor for five years straight. If you follow all the laws you will have a problem and worry free life.

Elements Of Geography

Our city's climate stays at a nice temperature of about seventy degrees at all times. Our island is a worry free place where all we want for our people is to be happy and live in paradise. Everyone has a choice of their own transportation whether if it's a car or a boat. We survive off selling goods from the ocean surrounding us and our energy is from hydroelectricity. We are just like any other regular city.

Elements Of Organization

Everyone in our Utopia makes their own decision on their family. You can have as many people as you want, but they have to be created by you. Every man shall lay with a woman, and every woman shall lay with a man. No exceptions!! If we catch you in the act of breaking this law then you will have to take a bullet in each arm and leg, and we will cut your private part off. Everyone will practice Christianity. We accept all races, shapes, and sizes. Our language is English. You can have an accent, but you still have to know how to speak English. Everyone will decide what their culture is as long as it doesn't interfere with the rules. You decide how wealthy you want to be by working.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Terry, Matthew, and Jalen welcome you!